Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Showroom of Compassion

Cake has always been a guilty pleasure of mine.  I've quietly enjoyed their music for years.  And now, Cake has put out a new one!  Showroom of Compassion is their first studio album in six years.

Overall, Showroom of Compassion is a good album.  All the classic elements of Cake are represented within.  The cool trumpet lines, the super groovy bass tracks, the catchy guitar licks, and McCrea's signature vocals are all showcased in Showroom. 

The single, "Sick of You," is a pretty catchy song, but I've been really enjoying track 2, "Long Time."  McCrea succeeds in making me smile with his lyrics and the trumpet section in this song is cooler than the underside of your pillow. 


The Klepto said...

I actually just listened to this today. I like Cake but am not a huge fan. This album follows suit with their others, with a few catchy songs and a bunch of filler

faithful axe said...

I would definitely have to agree with you on this one. I was expecting a more solid release. There are a couple good tunes, but as you said, "a bunch of filler." Thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

i listened to it all the way through and thats good enough for me. i guess i'll wait another 6 years, hopefully for a good album.

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